Which species of fish did Lola portray in Shark Tale?


Shark Tale is an animated movie that features the story of a young fish named Oscar, who becomes a hero in his underwater community. The movie also highlights some interesting characters, including Lola, who captures the attention of viewers with her stunning beauty and personality. In this article, we will focus on the species of fish that Lola portrays in Shark Tale.

Lola’s Character in Shark Tale

Lola is a seductive, sassy, and beautiful fish who becomes Oscar’s love interest in Shark Tale. She is a pink and purple colored fish with long flowing hair and an hourglass figure. Her character is one of the most memorable in the movie because of her captivating appearance and her flirty personality.

Who is Lola?

Lola is a character in the animated movie Shark Tale, which was released in 2004. She is voiced by Angelina Jolie, and her character was designed to bring some feminine energy to the cast. Lola is one of the most popular characters in the movie, and she is known for her beauty, confidence, and sass.

Lola’s Appearance

Lola’s appearance in Shark Tale is nothing short of stunning. She has long blonde hair that flows down her back, and her body is covered in pink and purple scales. Her eyes are big and green, and she has full lips that are always painted with a bright red lipstick. Lola’s curves are emphasized by her tight-fitting dress, which she wears throughout the movie.

Lola’s Personality Traits

Lola is a fish with a strong personality. She is confident, sassy, and seductive, and she knows how to use her charms to get what she wants. Lola is also very independent and doesn’t like to be told what to do. She is not afraid to speak her mind, and she often challenges Oscar’s ideas and decisions.

Lola’s Role in the Movie

Lola’s role in Shark Tale is to add some drama and romance to the story. She becomes Oscar’s love interest, and her presence in the movie creates some tension between Oscar and his best friend, Angie. Lola also helps Oscar to become more confident and to stand up for himself.

Lola’s Relationship with Oscar

Lola’s relationship with Oscar is one of the main plot points in Shark Tale. At first, Oscar is infatuated with Lola and does everything he can to impress her. Later in the movie, Lola reveals that she is working for Don Lino, the shark mob boss, and Oscar realizes that he was just a pawn in her game. Despite this, Lola and Oscar end up together in the end.

Lola’s Species of Fish

Lola is an angel fish, a species of fish that is known for its beautiful appearance and peaceful nature. In Shark Tale, Lola’s character is based on the angel fish, and her appearance reflects the vibrant colors and unique patterns of these fish.

The Angel Fish

Angel fish are a popular aquarium fish, and they are known for their striking appearance. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, including black, silver, white, and yellow. Angel fish are peaceful and can live for up to 10 years in captivity.

Characteristics of the Angel Fish

Angel fish have a unique shape that sets them apart from other fish. They have a round body and long fins that give them a graceful appearance. Angel fish are also known for their beautiful patterns, which can range from stripes to spots to a combination of both. These fish are typically found in warm, tropical waters.

Lola’s Representation of the Angel Fish

Lola is a perfect representation of the angel fish. Her vibrant colors and flowing fins capture the essence of this species of fish. Lola’s character also embodies the peaceful nature of angel fish, as she is not aggressive and does not seek out conflict.


Lola’s character in Shark Tale is one of the most memorable in the movie. Her beauty, sass, and seductive personality capture the attention of viewers. Lola’s character is based on the angel fish, a species of fish known for its unique appearance and peaceful nature. Overall, Lola’s representation of the angel fish adds an extra layer of depth to her character and makes her even more interesting and unforgettable.

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Dr. Paola Cuevas

With more than 18 years of experience in the aquatic animal industry, I am a seasoned veterinarian and behaviorist dedicated to marine animals in human care. My skills include meticulous planning, seamless transportation, positive reinforcement training, operational setup, and staff education. I've collaborated with renowned organizations worldwide, working on husbandry, clinical management, diets, weights, and animal-assisted therapies. My passion for marine life drives my mission to promote environmental preservation through public engagement.

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