85 Clever Pug Names

Welcoming a Pug into your life means embracing a bundle of joy, charm, and undeniable cleverness. These small, yet remarkably intelligent dogs deserve names that reflect their sharp minds and playful personalities. In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of 85 clever Pug names that go beyond the ordinary, capturing the wit and charm that make Pugs such endearing companions.

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Clever and Playful Pug Names

  1. Einstein: A name that pays homage to the genius himself, perfect for a Pug with a sharp mind.
  2. Smarty Paws: A playful twist on “smarty pants,” ideal for a clever Pug.
  3. Whiz Kid: Reflecting intelligence and quick learning, fitting for a Pug with a keen mind.
  4. Brainiac: A clever and quirky name for a Pug with an inquisitive nature.
  5. Clever Trevor: A playful and witty name for a Pug with a mischievous streak.
  6. Sherlock Bones: A clever play on the famous detective, fitting for a Pug with a keen sense of smell.
  7. Witty Whiskers: A charming and clever name for a Pug with distinctive facial features.
  8. Clever Cookie: Perfect for a Pug that’s as smart as they come.
  9. Puzzle Pup: A name that reflects your Pug’s love for solving mysteries.
  10. Sly Snickers: Ideal for a Pug with a sly and mischievous side.

Literary and Bookish Pug Names

  1. Paw-speare: A clever play on the legendary Shakespeare, fitting for a Pug with a poetic charm.
  2. Fitzgerald: Named after the iconic author F. Scott Fitzgerald, ideal for a Pug with literary flair.
  3. Oscar Wilde: A name that reflects wit and sophistication, perfect for a clever Pug.
  4. J.K. Howling: A playful nod to the famous author J.K. Rowling, fitting for a Pug with magical charm.
  5. Mark Twain: Named after the renowned author, suitable for a Pug with a clever and witty nature.
  6. Charlotte Brontë: A literary name for a clever and independent Pug.
  7. Sir Arthur Conan Dog: A clever twist on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, ideal for a Pug with detective instincts.
  8. Jane Pawsten: A witty play on the author Jane Austen, fitting for an elegant Pug.
  9. Edgar Allan Paw: A clever and slightly spooky name for a Pug with a mysterious charm.
  10. Virginia Woof: A literary name for an intelligent and well-spoken Pug.

Science and Geek-Inspired Pug Names

  1. Pugtron: A tech-inspired name for a Pug with a futuristic and clever demeanor.
  2. Data Dog: A playful nod to the android character Data, fitting for a Pug with a logical mind.
  3. Pug-let: A clever play on the word “pullet,” perfect for a Pug with a scientific curiosity.
  4. Nerd Nugget: A cute and clever name for a Pug that embraces its geeky side.
  5. Quantum Quirk: A playful and geeky name for a Pug with a unique personality.
  6. Tesla Pug: Inspired by the inventive genius Nikola Tesla, ideal for a Pug with a creative spirit.
  7. Byte-sized Brainiac: A witty and tech-inspired name for a clever Pug.
  8. Gamma Geek: A playful name for a Pug with a love for all things geeky.
  9. Newton Noodle: A clever play on Sir Isaac Newton, fitting for a Pug with a scientific mind.
  10. Sher-paw Holmes: Combining cleverness with a detective flair, perfect for a Pug with keen instincts.

Movie and TV-Inspired Clever Pug Names

  1. Bark Vader: A clever twist on the iconic Darth Vader, suitable for a Pug with a powerful presence.
  2. Furr-lock Holmes: A witty play on Sherlock Holmes, ideal for a Pug with a detective mindset.
  3. Pug Solo: Inspired by the legendary Han Solo, fitting for a Pug with a confident and adventurous spirit.
  4. Pugjamin Franklin: A historical and clever name for a Pug with a wise demeanor.
  5. Yoda Pug: Combining the wisdom of Yoda with the charm of a Pug.
  6. Captain Pugalicious: A clever and captain-worthy name for a Pug with leadership qualities.
  7. Pugweiser: A playful take on the famous beer brand, ideal for a Pug with a charismatic nature.
  8. Sher-pawk Holmes: Another witty variation of Sherlock Holmes, perfect for a Pug with detective instincts.
  9. Spock the Pug: Combining the logical Spock with the adorable Pug, ideal for a clever and rational pup.
  10. Puggy Smalls: A clever and musical name for a Pug with a big personality.

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Food and Culinary Clever Pug Names

  1. Cleveroni: A play on pepperoni, suitable for a Pug with a spicy personality.
  2. Sir Waggington: A witty and regal name for a Pug with a dignified presence.
  3. Macchiato Mischief: A clever play on the coffee drink macchiato, fitting for a playful Pug.
  4. Furrmignon: A culinary-inspired name for a Pug with a refined taste.
  5. Clever Caramel: A sweet and clever name for a Pug with a lovable personality.
  6. Sir Biscuit: A witty play on the noble title, fitting for a Pug with a charming nature.
  7. Pugkin Spice: A clever twist on the popular fall flavor, ideal for a Pug with a warm and cozy demeanor.
  8. Snickers Sniffer: A playful and candy-inspired name for a Pug with a sweet tooth.
  9. Mango Mischief: A fruity and clever name for a Pug with a tropical charm.
  10. Pawsome Pickle: A clever and crunchy name for a Pug with a distinctive personality.

Historical and Regal Clever Pug Names

  1. Caesar Salad: A playful and historical twist, perfect for a Pug with a commanding presence.
  2. Paw-seph Stalin: A witty play on Joseph Stalin, ideal for a Pug with leadership qualities.
  3. Leonardo Da Pug-ci: A clever and artistic name for a Pug with a creative spirit.
  4. Napoleon Bonapawte: A historical and regal name for a Pug with a commanding presence.
  5. Cleo-Paw-tra: A clever twist on Cleopatra, fitting for a Pug with a captivating charm.
  6. Queen Eliza-bark: A royal and clever name for a Pug with regal elegance.
  7. Sir Pawtrick Henry: A historical and clever name for a Pug with a distinguished air.
  8. Galileo Grrr-leani: A scientific and clever name for a Pug with a curious mind.
  9. Furr-dinand Magellan: A clever play on Ferdinand Magellan, ideal for a Pug with a sense of adventure.
  10. Empaweror Augustus: A regal and powerful name for a Pug with imperial charm.

Celebrity-Inspired Clever Pug Names

  1. Paw-dam Driver: A clever play on Adam Driver, fitting for a Pug with charisma.
  2. Meryl Streak: A playful and streaky name for a Pug with a distinctive coat.
  3. Sir Pawtrick Stewart: A clever and knightly name for a Pug with a dignified presence.
  4. Cumberpug: Inspired by Benedict Cumberbatch, ideal for a Pug with a sophisticated aura.
  5. Pugtastic Phoenix: A clever and mythical name for a Pug with a legendary presence.
  6. Pugzilla: Combining the adorable Pug with the legendary Godzilla, fitting for a Pug with a big personality.
  7. Pug Cruise: A clever play on Tom Cruise, perfect for a Pug with a daring spirit.
  8. Keanu Reaves: A name that combines the coolness of Keanu Reeves with the charm of a Pug.
  9. Lady Grrr-ga: A clever and musical name for a Pug with a unique flair.
  10. Pug McCartney: A clever play on Paul McCartney, fitting for a musical and charming Pug.

Punny and Wordplay Clever Pug Names

  1. Pugnacious: A clever play on “pug” and “tenacious,” ideal for a spirited Pug.
  2. Pugkin Pie: A seasonal and punny name for a Pug with a sweet personality.
  3. Pugster: A play on “hipster,” perfect for a trendy and clever Pug.
  4. Pugsworth: A witty play on “bugsworth,” suitable for a Pug with a curious nature.
  5. Puggle Up: A clever twist on “snuggle up,” ideal for a Pug that loves cuddles.
  6. Pug-chop: A playful and punny name for a Pug with a bold personality.
  7. Pug-alicious: Combining “Pug” with “delicious,” fitting for an irresistible Pug.
  8. Pug-letariat: A witty play on “proletariat,” suitable for a sociable Pug.
  9. Pug-a-lot: A punny name for a Pug with a royal and regal demeanor.
  10. Pug-tastic Voyage: A playful and punny name for a Pug with a sense of adventure.

Musical and Artistic Clever Pug Names

  1. Pugsy Malone: A clever play on Bugsy Malone, fitting for a Pug with a gangster charm.
  2. Paw-casso: A artistic and clever name for a Pug with a creative flair.
  3. Jazz Paws: A musical and clever name for a Pug with a love for jazz.
  4. Rocky Pugboa: A clever twist on Rocky Balboa, ideal for a Pug with a fighting spirit.
  5. Wolfgang Pawmadeus Mozart: A musical and regal name for a Pug with a classical charm.


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Choosing a clever name for your Pug is an enjoyable and personal endeavor. The names presented in this guide offer a diverse range of options, from punny and playful to historical and regal. Whether you’re drawn to the intellectual charm of names like Einstein and Sir Waggington, the playful whimsy of names like Puggle Up and Pug-tastic Voyage, or the regal elegance of names like Queen Eliza-bark and Paw-dam Driver, the key is to find a name that resonates with both you and your clever Pug.

Take your time, enjoy the process of bonding with your Pug, and celebrate the uniqueness of your new companion. May the chosen name be a perfect fit, echoing with love, joy, and clever moments as you embark on the wonderful journey of companionship with your quick-witted and adorable Pug.

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Dr. Chyrle Bonk

Dr. Chyrle Bonk, a dedicated veterinarian, combines her love for animals with a decade of experience in mixed animal care. Alongside her contributions to veterinary publications, she manages her own cattle herd. When not working, she enjoys Idaho's serene landscapes, exploring nature with her husband and two children. Dr. Bonk earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Oregon State University in 2010 and shares her expertise by writing for veterinary websites and magazines.

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