75 Chinese Pug Names For Male Puppies

Bringing a male Pug into your home is an exciting and joyous occasion. One of the first steps in welcoming your new furry friend is choosing the perfect name. If you’re captivated by the rich cultural heritage of Chinese names, this guide is tailored for you. Here, we present a curated list of 75 Chinese names for male Pug puppies, each carrying its own unique meaning and charm.

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Classic Chinese Names for Male Pug Puppies

  1. Li Wei (立威): Translating to “established power,” a name suitable for a Pug with a strong and confident presence.
  2. Jing Xuan (精选): Meaning “elite” or “selected,” ideal for a Pug with exceptional qualities.
  3. Hao Ran (豪然): Combining “brave” and “vigorous,” fitting for a Pug with a bold and energetic personality.
  4. Xiao Long (小龙): Translating to “little dragon,” a classic and powerful name for a small yet spirited Pug.
  5. Chen Rui (晨锐): Meaning “morning sharpness,” perfect for a Pug that wakes up with energy and enthusiasm.
  6. Bao Chuan (宝传): Combining “treasure” and “legacy,” a name that suits a Pug with precious qualities.
  7. Yuan Da (元大): Translating to “great beginning,” ideal for a Pug with a promising and auspicious start.
  8. Guang Ming (光明): Meaning “brightness” or “light,” fitting for a Pug that brings joy and radiance.
  9. Jun Jie (俊杰): Combining “handsome” and “outstanding,” perfect for a Pug with a charming and remarkable presence.
  10. Wei Quan (威权): Translating to “power and authority,” a name that befits a Pug with a commanding demeanor.

Nature-Inspired Chinese Names for Male Pug Puppies

  1. Yun Hai (云海): Meaning “sea of clouds,” ideal for a Pug with a dreamy and calm disposition.
  2. Liang Feng (凉风): Combining “cool” and “breeze,” fitting for a Pug with a refreshing and gentle nature.
  3. Bo Liu (波流): Translating to “wave flow,” perfect for a Pug with a playful and rhythmic personality.
  4. Yang Guang (阳光): Meaning “sunshine,” ideal for a Pug that brightens up your day with warmth.
  5. Jiang Shan (江山): Combining “river” and “mountain,” fitting for a Pug with a majestic and solid presence.
  6. Hua Tian (花田): Translating to “flower field,” a name that suits a Pug with a lively and colorful demeanor.
  7. Ling Xing (灵性): Meaning “spiritual,” perfect for a Pug with an alert and perceptive nature.
  8. Wen Qing (文清): Combining “refined” and “clear,” ideal for a Pug with a gentle and elegant personality.
  9. Tian Kong (天空): Translating to “sky,” a name that befits a Pug with a free-spirited and open nature.
  10. Shui Cao (水草): Meaning “water plant,” fitting for a Pug with a calm and serene presence.

Regal and Stately Chinese Names for Male Pug Puppies

  1. Zhi Li (致力): Translating to “devoted power,” ideal for a Pug with a dedicated and determined spirit.
  2. Wang Zi (王子): Meaning “prince,” perfect for a Pug that carries himself with regal elegance.
  3. Jin Guan (金冠): Combining “gold” and “crown,” fitting for a Pug that stands out like royalty.
  4. Xiong Di (兄弟): Translating to “brother,” ideal for a Pug with a loyal and companionable nature.
  5. Jia Jun (家君): Meaning “family ruler,” fitting for a Pug that becomes the heart of your household.
  6. Qi Lin (麒麟): Combining “auspicious” and “unicorn,” a name that befits a Pug with a rare and special charm.
  7. Wen Zheng (文正): Translating to “civilized and upright,” perfect for a Pug with a dignified presence.
  8. Tian Xia (天下): Meaning “the world,” ideal for a Pug with a confident and expansive spirit.
  9. Xiang Jun (香君): Combining “fragrance” and “gentleman,” fitting for a Pug with a refined and charming nature.
  10. Yuan Chen (远臣): Translating to “distant minister,” a name that suits a Pug with a loyal and honorable disposition.

Strong and Fearless Chinese Names for Male Pug Puppies

  1. Yong Zhu (勇猪): Meaning “brave pig,” ideal for a Pug with a fearless and adventurous personality.
  2. Zhan Dou (战斗): Translating to “battle,” fitting for a Pug with a courageous and fighting spirit.
  3. Qiang Shen (强身): Combining “strong” and “body,” perfect for a Pug with robust and sturdy qualities.
  4. Bao Lie (暴烈): Meaning “violent and intense,” ideal for a Pug with a bold and dynamic presence.
  5. Ming Chao (明朝): Translating to “bright dynasty,” fitting for a Pug with a vibrant and confident nature.
  6. Jian Feng (坚锋): Combining “strong” and “edge,” a name that befits a Pug with a determined and resilient spirit.
  7. Yi Zhan (义战): Meaning “just battle,” perfect for a Pug with a noble and courageous demeanor.
  8. Xiong Mei (雄媚): Translating to “heroic charm,” ideal for a Pug with a strong and captivating presence.
  9. Dou Shou (斗兽): Combining “fight” and “beast,” fitting for a Pug with a playful and feisty personality.
  10. Zhan Dou (战斗): Translating to “combat,” a strong and impactful name for a Pug with a fighting spirit.

Cute and Playful Chinese Names for Male Pug Puppies

  1. Pang Pang (胖胖): Meaning “chubby” or “plump,” ideal for a Pug with an adorable and round appearance.
  2. Xiao Mao (小猫): Combining “little” and “cat,” fitting for a Pug with a cute and feline-like charm.
  3. Ding Ding (叮叮): Translating to “ding-ding” or “jingle,” perfect for a Pug with a playful and cheerful demeanor.
  4. Niuniu (牛牛): Meaning “little cow,” ideal for a Pug with a sturdy and lovable personality.
  5. Xiao Hu (小狐): Combining “little” and “fox,” fitting for a Pug with a sly and mischievous charm.
  6. Bu Gao (不高): Translating to “not tall,” a lighthearted and humorous name for a small-sized Pug.
  7. Xiao Bao (小宝): Meaning “little treasure,” perfect for a Pug that is truly precious to you.
  8. Wang Cai (旺财): Combining “prosperous” and “wealth,” fitting for a Pug that brings abundance and joy.
  9. Mei Mei (妹妹): Translating to “little sister,” ideal for a Pug with a sweet and endearing personality.
  10. Le Le (乐乐): Meaning “happy” or “joyful,” a name that befits a Pug with a cheerful and positive nature.

Charming and Elegant Chinese Names for Male Pug Puppies

  1. Liang An (良安): Translating to “good and peaceful,” a name suitable for a Pug with a calm and gentle presence.
  2. Qi Yu (奇遇): Meaning “adventure” or “unexpected encounter,” ideal for a Pug that brings joy and excitement.
  3. Xuan Li (炫丽): Combining “bright” and “gorgeous,” fitting for a Pug with a dazzling and striking appearance.
  4. Jing Ming (精明): Translating to “smart” or “clever,” perfect for a Pug with an intelligent and perceptive nature.
  5. Mei Ren (美人): Meaning “beautiful person,” ideal for a Pug with a charming and attractive presence.
  6. Hao Hao (好好): Combining “good” and “good,” fitting for a well-behaved and delightful Pug.
  7. Xin Xing (心星): Translating to “heart star,” a name that befits a Pug with a lovable and affectionate personality.
  8. Tian Tian (甜甜): Meaning “sweet” or “gentle,” perfect for a Pug with a lovable and affectionate demeanor.
  9. Yi Nian (意念): Combining “meaning” and “thought,” fitting for a Pug with a thoughtful and contemplative nature.
  10. Yu Xi (雨夕): Translating to “rainy evening,” a name that suits a Pug with a calm and soothing aura.


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Choosing the perfect Chinese name for your male Pug is a delightful and personal journey. The names provided in this guide cover a wide spectrum of meanings, from classic elegance to cute playfulness. Whether you’re drawn to the regal charm of Jin Guan and Xiong Di, the nature-inspired beauty of Jiang Shan and Shui Cao, or the cute playfulness of Pang Pang and Niuniu, the key is to find a name that resonates with both you and your beloved Pug.

Take your time to observe your new companion’s personality and let the chosen name reflect his unique qualities. May the selected name bring joy, love, and cultural richness to your home as you embark on the wonderful journey of companionship with your charming and adorable male Pug.

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Dr. Chyrle Bonk

Dr. Chyrle Bonk, a dedicated veterinarian, combines her love for animals with a decade of experience in mixed animal care. Alongside her contributions to veterinary publications, she manages her own cattle herd. When not working, she enjoys Idaho's serene landscapes, exploring nature with her husband and two children. Dr. Bonk earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Oregon State University in 2010 and shares her expertise by writing for veterinary websites and magazines.

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