42 Famous Labrador Names

Labrador Retrievers have long been cherished as loyal companions, esteemed working dogs, and beloved family members. Many Labradors have not only captured the hearts of their owners but have also gained fame and recognition for their exceptional qualities. In this extensive guide, we explore 42 famous Labrador names, celebrating the remarkable achievements and contributions of these illustrious canines.

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Famous Labradors in Entertainment

1. Marley

  • Claim to Fame: “Marley & Me” (2008) – Based on the heartwarming memoir by John Grogan, Marley, portrayed by multiple Labradors, became the lovable and mischievous star of the film.

2. Buddy

  • Claim to Fame: Air Bud franchise (1997-1998) – Buddy, a talented Golden Retriever and Labrador mix, showcased his athletic prowess in various sports, including basketball, football, and soccer.

3. Old Drum

  • Claim to Fame: “Old Drum” (2007) – This TV movie starred an exceptional yellow Labrador named Hooch, playing the role of Old Drum, a dog at the center of a historic legal case.

4. Shadow

  • Claim to Fame: “Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey” (1993) – Shadow, a wise and loyal Labrador Retriever, embarked on a heartwarming journey alongside two other pets in this family adventure film.

5. Duke

  • Claim to Fame: “The Beverly Hillbillies” (1993) – Duke, a chocolate Labrador, starred as the loyal pet of the Clampett family in the film adaptation of the classic TV series.

6. Hank

  • Claim to Fame: “Walker, Texas Ranger” (1993-2001) – Hank, a black Labrador Retriever, played the faithful companion to Cordell Walker (Chuck Norris) in this iconic television series.

7. Pongo and Perdita

  • Claim to Fame: “101 Dalmatians” (1996) – While not Labradors, the live-action adaptation featured two Labrador Retrievers in the roles of Pongo and Perdita, showcasing the breed’s versatility in the world of cinema.

Famous Labradors in Literature

8. Marley

  • Claim to Fame: “Marley & Me” by John Grogan (2005) – The real Marley, John Grogan’s mischievous and lovable yellow Labrador, gained fame through the bestselling memoir that inspired the film.

9. Lucky

  • Claim to Fame: “Lucky Dog Lessons” by Brandon McMillan (2016) – Brandon McMillan, a professional dog trainer and host of the TV show “Lucky Dog,” shares valuable insights and training tips in his book featuring the Labrador named Lucky.

10. Bilbo

  • Claim to Fame: “Bilbo’s Last Bow” by Paul Heiney (1993) – Bilbo, a loyal Labrador, became a literary sensation as the subject of Paul Heiney’s heartwarming and humorous book.

11. Nell

  • Claim to Fame: “Nell’s Story” by Patricia O’Grady (1995) – Nell, a guide dog Labrador, inspired Patricia O’Grady’s touching memoir, chronicling the bond between a guide dog and her owner.

Famous Labradors in Sports

12. Endal

  • Claim to Fame: Endal – The remarkable service Labrador gained international acclaim for his assistance to his disabled owner, Allen Parton. Endal’s achievements include helping Allen with everyday tasks and even retrieving his credit card from an ATM.

13. Jake

  • Claim to Fame: “Jake’s Gigantic List” – Jake, a Labrador Retriever, became famous for his incredible surfing skills. He rode the waves with his owner, Heather Wexler, and gained a substantial following on social media.

14. Lorenzo

  • Claim to Fame: Lorenzo the Llama – While not a Labrador, Lorenzo, a therapy Llama, became an internet sensation for his heartwarming interactions with patients. A Labrador named Molly often accompanied Lorenzo during his visits.

15. Treo

  • Claim to Fame: Treo – This black Labrador gained recognition as a military working dog, serving in Afghanistan. Treo received the Dickin Medal, the highest award for animal bravery, for his exceptional service and dedication.

16. Gander

  • Claim to Fame: Gander – A Labrador Retriever known for his service during World War II. Gander saved the lives of Canadian infantrymen by carrying a live grenade away from his unit, sacrificing himself in the process.

17. Chester

  • Claim to Fame: Chester – A Labrador Retriever recognized for his search and rescue efforts during Hurricane Katrina. Chester worked tirelessly alongside his handler to locate and save people stranded in the aftermath of the devastating hurricane.

Famous Labradors in Service

18. Endal

  • Claim to Fame: Assistance Dogs – Labradors are widely celebrated for their roles as guide dogs, therapy dogs, and service dogs. Many Labradors, like Endal, have provided crucial assistance to individuals with disabilities, enhancing their independence and quality of life.

19. Bretagne

  • Claim to Fame: Search and Rescue – Bretagne, a Labrador Retriever, gained fame for her heroic search and rescue efforts during the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. She worked tirelessly alongside her handler, Denise Corliss, searching for survivors in the debris.

20. Roselle

  • Claim to Fame: Guide Dogs – Roselle, a guide dog Labrador, achieved fame for her calm and focused assistance during the evacuation of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. She guided her owner, Michael Hingson, down 78 floors to safety.

21. Piper

  • Claim to Fame: Customs and Border Protection – Piper, a Labrador Retriever, became a social media sensation for his role as a wildlife control canine at Cherry Capital Airport in Michigan. Piper’s job involved clearing the runway of wildlife to ensure safe takeoffs and landings.

22. Bella

  • Claim to Fame: Therapy Dogs – Bella, a Labrador Retriever, gained recognition for her work as a therapy dog, providing comfort and support to individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools.

Famous Labradors on Social Media

23. Doug the Pug

  • Claim to Fame: Doug the Pug – While Doug is a Pug and not a Labrador, he is a social media sensation known for his adorable and humorous posts. Labradors with a significant following on social media often share their adventures, showcasing the breed’s charm.

24. Jiffpom

  • Claim to Fame: Jiffpom – A Pomeranian rather than a Labrador, Jiffpom holds multiple Guinness World Records for his incredible talents. Labradors with a large social media presence often inspire and entertain audiences with their endearing photos and videos.

Famous Labradors in Art

25. Sir Edwin Henry Landseer’s Paintings

  • Claim to Fame: Landseer’s Labrador Paintings – Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, a renowned artist, painted several iconic works featuring Labradors. His paintings, such as “The Flood” and “Distinguished Member of the Humane Society,” depict Labradors in various settings.

26. Jim Killen’s Artwork

  • Claim to Fame: Labrador Retriever Art – Jim Killen, a celebrated wildlife artist, is known for his beautiful Labrador Retriever paintings. His artwork captures the spirit and beauty of Labradors, earning him acclaim among dog lovers and art enthusiasts.

Famous Labradors in Politics

27. Bo

  • Claim to Fame: Bo Obama – Bo, a Portuguese Water Dog, is not a Labrador, but he gained fame as the First Dog during Barack Obama’s presidency. The Obama family’s pet dogs, Bo and Sunny, were beloved by the public and often featured in official White House photos.

Famous Labradors in Fashion

28. Sir Paul Smith’s Dog

  • Claim to Fame: Paul Smith’s Labrador – Renowned fashion designer Sir Paul Smith is a Labrador enthusiast. His love for Labradors is evident in his designs, with Labradors often featured on his clothing and accessories.

Famous Labradors in Business

29. Cadbury’s Cocoa Lab

  • Claim to Fame: Cadbury’s Ad Campaign – While not an individual dog, Cadbury’s ad campaign featuring a joyful Labrador named Coco became a sensation. The commercials depicted Coco joyously running through fields to the tune of “Free” by the Embrace.

30. The Andrex Puppy

  • Claim to Fame: Andrex Ad Campaign – The Andrex Puppy, often portrayed by Labradors, is an iconic symbol in the company’s advertising. Labradors featured in the commercials convey a sense of warmth and loyalty.

Famous Labradors in Exploration

31. Neeka

  • Claim to Fame: Polar Exploration – Neeka, a Labrador Retriever, accompanied explorer Will Steger on his polar expeditions. Neeka’s resilience and adaptability in extreme conditions showcased the Labrador’s suitability for challenging environments.

Famous Labradors as Companions

32. George Clooney’s Dogs

  • Claim to Fame: George Clooney’s Labradors – George Clooney, the Hollywood actor, is known for his love of Labradors. His dogs have been photographed alongside him on various occasions, adding a touch of celebrity charm to the breed.

33. Prince William and Kate Middleton’s Dog

  • Claim to Fame: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Dog – Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, are known to be dog lovers. Their Labrador, Lupo, gained attention as a beloved companion to the royal couple and their children.

Famous Labradors in Cartoons

34. Bluey

  • Claim to Fame: “Bluey” (2018-present) – While not a Labrador, Bluey, an Australian Blue Heeler, is a popular animated character known for her curiosity and imagination. Labrador characters in animated shows often embody similar endearing qualities.

Famous Labradors on YouTube

35. Maymo

  • Claim to Fame: Maymo the Lemon Beagle – Maymo, a Beagle, gained fame on YouTube for his humorous and adorable antics. Labradors with popular YouTube channels often showcase their playful and entertaining personalities.

36. Charlie Bit My Finger

  • Claim to Fame: Charlie the Labrador – While the viral video “Charlie Bit My Finger” features a baby and a not a Labrador, Labradors in viral videos often capture the hearts of viewers with their charming and funny behavior.

Famous Labradors in Charity

37. Guide Dogs for the Blind

  • Claim to Fame: Guide Dog Organizations – Labradors play a crucial role in various charitable organizations dedicated to providing guide dogs for individuals with visual impairments. These organizations, such as Guide Dogs for the Blind, train and place Labradors to enhance the independence of those in need.

38. The Labrador Retriever Statue

  • Claim to Fame: The Labrador Retriever Statue – Located in the town of St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, the Labrador Retriever statue celebrates the breed’s significance and popularity in the region.

39. Labrador on Canadian Stamps

  • Claim to Fame: Canadian Stamps – Labradors have been featured on Canadian stamps, reflecting the breed’s cultural and historical importance in Canada.

Famous Labradors in Advertising

40. The Andrex Puppy

  • Claim to Fame: Andrex Ad Campaign – Labradors, often portrayed as puppies, have been featured in the iconic Andrex toilet paper commercials. The charming Labrador puppies became synonymous with the brand’s message of softness.

41. Budweiser’s Labrador Puppy

  • Claim to Fame: Budweiser Ad Campaign – Budweiser’s heartwarming commercials featuring Labrador puppies have become annual favorites during major sporting events, capturing the audience’s attention with their adorable and uplifting stories.

Famous Labradors in Art and Photography

42. William Wegman’s Weimaraners

  • Claim to Fame: William Wegman’s Labrador Portraits – William Wegman, known for his photography featuring Weimaraners, has occasionally included Labradors in his artistic compositions, showcasing the breed’s versatility.


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In conclusion, choosing the perfect name for your Labrador is an exciting and meaningful part of welcoming a new furry family member. The list of 42 famous Labrador names presented in this article offers a diverse range of options inspired by pop culture, history, and the lovable traits of these wonderful dogs. Whether you opt for a classic moniker or a more unique and creative choice, the most important thing is that the name resonates with you and reflects the personality of your four-legged companion. Remember that a name is more than just a label – it’s a bond that deepens the connection between you and your Labrador. So, take your time, enjoy the process, and savor the joy that comes with naming your loyal and affectionate friend. May your Labrador’s name be a source of happiness and fond memories for years to come.

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Dr. Chyrle Bonk

Dr. Chyrle Bonk, a dedicated veterinarian, combines her love for animals with a decade of experience in mixed animal care. Alongside her contributions to veterinary publications, she manages her own cattle herd. When not working, she enjoys Idaho's serene landscapes, exploring nature with her husband and two children. Dr. Bonk earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Oregon State University in 2010 and shares her expertise by writing for veterinary websites and magazines.

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