Which is larger, a Rottweiler or a Dogue de Bordeaux?

Introduction: Comparing Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux

When it comes to choosing a large and powerful dog breed, Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux are two popular choices. Both breeds have a muscular build, a fierce appearance, and a reputation as loyal protectors. However, there are some notable differences between the two, including their physical characteristics, temperament, and exercise needs. One of the most common questions people ask when comparing these breeds is which one is larger. In this article, we will explore the physical differences between Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux and help you decide which breed is best for you.

Physical Characteristics of Rottweilers

Rottweilers are a large and strong breed, with a muscular build and a distinctive black and tan coat. They typically weigh between 80 and 135 pounds and stand between 22 and 27 inches tall at the shoulder. Rottweilers have a broad head, with a short, wide muzzle, and powerful jaws. Their ears are medium-sized and fold forward, and their eyes are almond-shaped and dark brown. Rottweilers have a short, smooth coat that is easy to maintain, and they shed moderately throughout the year.

Physical Characteristics of Dogue de Bordeaux

Dogue de Bordeaux, also known as Bordeaux Mastiffs, are a massive breed with a stocky build and a wrinkled face. They typically weigh between 120 and 145 pounds and stand between 23 and 27 inches tall at the shoulder. Dogue de Bordeaux have a large head, with a short, wide muzzle, and deep-set eyes. Their ears are medium-sized and hang down, and their coat is short, thick, and soft to the touch. Dogue de Bordeaux come in a range of colors, including shades of red and brown.

Weight Differences between Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux

When it comes to weight, Dogue de Bordeaux is the larger breed. They typically weigh between 120 and 145 pounds, while Rottweilers weigh between 80 and 135 pounds. This means that Dogue de Bordeaux can weigh up to 10-25% more than Rottweilers, depending on their size and build.

Height Differences between Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux

While Dogue de Bordeaux is the larger breed in terms of weight, Rottweilers are slightly taller at the shoulder. They typically stand between 22 and 27 inches tall, while Dogue de Bordeaux stands between 23 and 27 inches tall. This means that Rottweilers can be up to 1 inch taller than Dogue de Bordeaux at the shoulder.

Breed Standards for Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux

Both Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux have breed standards that describe their physical appearance, temperament, and other characteristics. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), Rottweilers should have a strong, powerful build with a broad head, deep chest, and well-muscled body. They should be confident, calm, and obedient, with a strong work ethic and a natural instinct to protect their family. Dogue de Bordeaux, on the other hand, should have a massive, stocky build with a wrinkled face, thick neck, and powerful chest. They should be calm, patient, and loyal, with a natural instinct to protect their family and home.

Temperament and Personality of Rottweilers

Rottweilers are a loyal and protective breed, known for their courage and intelligence. They are confident and calm under pressure, making them excellent guard dogs and family protectors. Rottweilers are also affectionate and playful with their family, and they have a natural instinct to please their owners. However, they can be aggressive towards strangers or other dogs if they feel threatened, so early socialization and training are essential.

Temperament and Personality of Dogue de Bordeaux

Dogue de Bordeaux is a gentle giant, known for their patience and loyalty. They are calm and affectionate with their family, and they make excellent guard dogs due to their size and protective instincts. Dogue de Bordeaux is also known for being stubborn at times, so early training and socialization are essential. They can be aloof towards strangers, but with proper socialization, they can learn to be friendly and welcoming to new people.

Training and Exercise Needs of Rottweilers

Rottweilers are a highly intelligent breed that requires plenty of mental and physical stimulation. They benefit from early socialization and training, as well as regular exercise and playtime. Rottweilers thrive on obedience training and enjoy learning new commands and tricks. They also require daily exercise, such as walks, runs, or playtime in a fenced-in yard.

Training and Exercise Needs of Dogue de Bordeaux

Dogue de Bordeaux is a less energetic breed than Rottweilers, but they still require regular exercise and playtime. They benefit from early socialization and training, as well as daily walks or playtime in a fenced-in yard. Dogue de Bordeaux is also prone to obesity, so it’s essential to monitor their diet and exercise routine to prevent weight gain.

Choosing Between a Rottweiler and a Dogue de Bordeaux

When choosing between Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux, there are several factors to consider, including their size, temperament, exercise needs, and training requirements. If you’re looking for a larger, more massive breed, Dogue de Bordeaux might be the better option. If you prefer a slightly smaller breed with a calmer temperament, Rottweilers might be a better fit. Both breeds have their pros and cons, so it’s essential to research each breed carefully and consider your lifestyle and preferences before making a decision.

Conclusion: Which is Larger, a Rottweiler or a Dogue de Bordeaux?

In conclusion, Dogue de Bordeaux is the larger breed, weighing between 120 and 145 pounds, while Rottweilers weigh between 80 and 135 pounds. However, Rottweilers are slightly taller at the shoulder, standing between 22 and 27 inches tall, while Dogue de Bordeaux stands between 23 and 27 inches tall. When choosing between Rottweilers and Dogue de Bordeaux, it’s essential to consider their physical characteristics, temperament, exercise needs, and training requirements before making a decision. Both breeds are loyal, protective, and loving, but they have their unique pros and cons that make them suitable for different lifestyles and preferences.

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Dr. Chyrle Bonk

Dr. Chyrle Bonk, a dedicated veterinarian, combines her love for animals with a decade of experience in mixed animal care. Alongside her contributions to veterinary publications, she manages her own cattle herd. When not working, she enjoys Idaho's serene landscapes, exploring nature with her husband and two children. Dr. Bonk earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Oregon State University in 2010 and shares her expertise by writing for veterinary websites and magazines.

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