What was the reason for Don Cherry naming his dog Blue?

Introduction: Who is Don Cherry?

Don Cherry is a former professional hockey player, coach, and commentator from Canada. He is known for his flamboyant personality, controversial opinions, and bold fashion sense. Cherry has been a prominent figure in the Canadian hockey world for over four decades and has become a beloved icon to many Canadians. He is also a well-known animal lover and has owned several dogs throughout his life.

Don Cherry’s love for dogs

Don Cherry has always been an avid animal lover and has owned several dogs throughout his life. He has often spoken about his love for his furry friends in interviews and on his television show "Coach’s Corner." Cherry has said that dogs are the most loyal creatures on earth and that they bring him a lot of joy and comfort. He has even brought his dogs on air with him during his broadcasts and has talked about the important role they play in his life.

How did Don Cherry acquire Blue?

Don Cherry’s dog Blue was a gift from a family friend. Cherry’s friend had bred a litter of puppies and offered him the pick of the litter. Cherry fell in love with a little blue-eyed puppy and decided to name him Blue. He brought the puppy home and raised him with love and care. Blue quickly became a beloved member of Cherry’s family and an important part of his life.

The significance of Blue’s name

The name Blue is significant because of the color of the puppy’s eyes. Blue had piercing blue eyes that stood out against his black and white fur. Don Cherry has said that the name just seemed to fit him perfectly and that he couldn’t imagine him being called anything else.

Blue’s breed and characteristics

Blue was a Blue Heeler, also known as an Australian Cattle Dog. This breed is known for its high energy, intelligence, and loyalty. Blue was no exception and had a playful and enthusiastic personality. He was also incredibly loyal to Cherry and was always by his side.

Don Cherry’s attachment to Blue

Don Cherry was deeply attached to Blue and loved him like a member of his family. He often referred to Blue as his "best friend" and said that he couldn’t imagine life without him. Cherry has spoken about the comfort that he derived from Blue’s company and how much he loved spending time with him.

Blue’s role in Don Cherry’s life

Blue played an important role in Don Cherry’s life. He was a constant source of companionship and comfort to Cherry, especially during difficult times. Blue was also a regular fixture on Cherry’s television show and was a beloved character in his own right. Fans of the show loved seeing Blue on air and often asked about him.

Don Cherry’s previous dogs and their names

Don Cherry has owned several dogs throughout his life, and each of them has had a unique name. Some of his previous dogs include Blue’s predecessor, a Blue Heeler named Blue Jr., and a Toy Poodle named Bijou.

Speculations about the reason for Blue’s name

Although Don Cherry has said that Blue’s name was inspired by the color of his eyes, some fans have speculated that there may be another reason for the name. Some have suggested that the name may have been a nod to Cherry’s love for the Toronto Maple Leafs, whose team colors are blue and white. However, Cherry has never confirmed this theory.

Don Cherry’s reaction to Blue’s passing

In 2014, Don Cherry announced on his Twitter account that Blue had passed away. He wrote, "My dog Blue passed away yesterday. He was my best friend for 14 years. I’ll miss him forever." Cherry’s fans were quick to offer their condolences and many shared stories about how much they loved seeing Blue on his television show.

Conclusion: Don Cherry’s love for animals

Don Cherry’s love for dogs, and animals in general, has been a constant throughout his life. His dogs have brought him comfort, companionship, and joy, and he has always spoken about them with great affection. Blue was a special dog who played an important role in Cherry’s life, and his passing was a great loss to both Cherry and his fans. Don Cherry will always be remembered as a passionate animal lover who cherished his furry friends.

Sources and further reading

  • "Don Cherry’s Blue Heeler named Blue dies." CBC News, 2014.
  • "Don Cherry’s Dog Blue." Daily Hive, 2019.
  • "Don Cherry’s Love for Dogs." Dogalize, 2021.
  • "The Don Cherry Story." Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2021.
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Dr. Maureen Murithi

Meet Dr. Maureen, a licensed veterinarian based in Nairobi, Kenya, boasting over a decade of veterinary experience. Her passion for animal well-being is evident in her work as a content creator for pet blogs and brand influencer. In addition to running her own small animal practice, she holds a DVM and a master's in Epidemiology. Beyond veterinary medicine, she has made notable contributions to human medicine research. Dr. Maureen's dedication to enhancing both animal and human health is showcased through her diverse expertise.

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