What is the price range for purchasing a goldendoodle?


Goldendoodles are a popular breed for those who desire a hypoallergenic dog that is friendly, obedient, and intelligent. But when it comes to purchasing a Goldendoodle, one of the most important considerations is the price. The price range for Goldendoodles can vary greatly depending on several factors such as breeder’s reputation and experience, rarity of coat color and pattern, age and genetic health testing, size and weight and geographic location of the breeder.

In this article, we will explore the different factors that affect the price of a Goldendoodle and the price range for purchasing one.

Factors that affect Goldendoodle pricing

The price of a Goldendoodle can be affected by several factors, including the rarity of coat color and pattern, whether the Goldendoodle is a purebred or mixed breed, the breeder’s reputation and experience, the geographic location of the breeder, age and genetic health testing, and the size and weight of the Goldendoodle.

Rarity of coat color and pattern

The rarity of coat color and pattern can significantly affect the price of a Goldendoodle. For example, Golden Retrievers with a rare red coat are more expensive than those with a typical golden coat. Similarly, Goldendoodles with merle or parti-colored coats are often more expensive than those with solid-colored coats.

Purebred versus mixed breed Goldendoodles

Purebred Goldendoodles are typically more expensive than mixed breed Goldendoodles. This is because purebred Goldendoodles are bred by two purebred parents of the same breed. This ensures that the resulting puppies have predictable traits and characteristics. Mixed breed Goldendoodles, on the other hand, are bred from two different breeds, which can result in puppies with unpredictable traits and characteristics.

Breeder’s reputation and experience

The reputation and experience of the breeder can also affect the price of a Goldendoodle. A breeder with a good reputation and many years of experience breeding Goldendoodles will generally charge more for their puppies than a breeder who is just starting out.

Geographic location of breeder

The geographic location of the breeder can also affect the price of a Goldendoodle. Breeders located in more expensive areas, such as large cities or affluent neighborhoods, will generally charge more for their puppies than breeders located in more rural or less expensive areas.

Age and genetic health testing

The age of a Goldendoodle and genetic health testing can also affect the price. Puppies that are younger and have not yet been tested for genetic health issues will generally be less expensive than older puppies that have been tested.

Size and weight of Goldendoodle

The size and weight of a Goldendoodle can also affect the price. Standard-sized Goldendoodles are typically the largest and most expensive, while miniature and toy Goldendoodles are smaller and less expensive.

Price range for a standard Goldendoodle

The price range for a standard Goldendoodle can vary greatly, ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 or more. The price will depend on factors such as rarity of coat color and pattern, purebred versus mixed breed, breeder’s reputation and experience, geographic location of the breeder, age and genetic health testing, and size and weight.

Price range for miniature Goldendoodles

The price range for a miniature Goldendoodle can also vary greatly, ranging from $1,500 to $3,500 or more. The price will depend on the same factors as a standard Goldendoodle.

Price range for toy Goldendoodles

The price range for a toy Goldendoodle can vary from $1,500 to $4,000 or more. The price will depend on the same factors as a standard and miniature Goldendoodle.


In conclusion, the price range for purchasing a Goldendoodle can vary greatly depending on several factors. It is important to consider the rarity of coat color and pattern, whether the Goldendoodle is a purebred or mixed breed, the breeder’s reputation and experience, the geographic location of the breeder, age and genetic health testing, and the size and weight of the Goldendoodle when determining the price. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a Goldendoodle that is right for you and your budget.

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Dr. Chyrle Bonk

Dr. Chyrle Bonk, a dedicated veterinarian, combines her love for animals with a decade of experience in mixed animal care. Alongside her contributions to veterinary publications, she manages her own cattle herd. When not working, she enjoys Idaho's serene landscapes, exploring nature with her husband and two children. Dr. Bonk earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Oregon State University in 2010 and shares her expertise by writing for veterinary websites and magazines.

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