Bearded Dragon 27

Are Bearded Dragons Nocturnal?

Bearded dragons are popular and fascinating reptile pets. These gentle, medium-sized lizards have won the hearts of many reptile enthusiasts due to their unique appearance, friendly nature, and relatively low maintenance requirements. One common question that arises among prospective and current bearded dragon owners is … Read more


Is moss safe to use in a bearded dragon’s enclosure?

Bearded dragons require specific environmental conditions, and using moss in their enclosure can be problematic. Moss has the potential to harbor harmful bacteria and fungi, and ingesting it can cause impaction. It is best to avoid using moss in a bearded dragon’s enclosure and opt for safer substrate options.


Why does a bearded dragon’s beard sometimes turn black?

Bearded dragons are a popular pet reptile, known for their distinctive beard. However, sometimes this beard can turn black, causing concern for their owners. There are several reasons why this may occur, ranging from stress to territorial behavior. Understanding the causes behind this color change can help owners better care for their bearded dragons.

Is it safe for bearded dragons to eat carrots?

Bearded dragons can eat carrots, but they should be given in moderation. Carrots are high in sugar and can cause health issues if overfed. It’s important to offer a variety of vegetables to ensure a balanced diet.


Why is my bearded dragon shaking?

Bearded dragons are popular pets, but owners may become concerned when they notice their dragon shaking. Shaking can indicate a variety of health issues, including stress, injury, or illness. Owners should observe their dragon’s behavior and seek veterinary care if necessary.